
What is iPillion!

iPillion is the first and leading motorcycles Auction & e-Commerce platform that offers a world-class platform that empowers you to sell and buy everything related to motorcycles online. The auction-based platform is designed to enable bidders to join the bidding process, and sellers to list their products & services on the marketplace. iPillion offers competitive pricing and secure transactions to ensure a smooth selling experience.

Auctions Platform

Why iPillion!

iPillion was developed with an understanding of the special requirements of motorcycle enthusiasts in mind. Its user-friendly platform links buyers and sellers from all over the world. You can easily sign up for free and begin selling or buying from the comfort of your home using a laptop, a tablet, or a smartphone.

Auction Types:

Fixed Price

Sell your products at the fixed price you set

Classic Auction

Allow users to bid competitively on your products to get the best prices

Tender for Sale

Receive hidden offers from each user for your products and select the best offer that suits you

Programming Tech


We utilized Laravel, a powerful PHP framework, for the backend of our project to streamline and accelerate its development process.


We utilized Next.js, a popular React framework, for the front-end of our project.


We utilized CSS to style and enhance the visual appearance of our project, ensuring an engaging user interface.


HTML served as the foundation of our project, providing the structure and content for our web pages.


We utilized Flutter, a popular cross-platform framework, to develop a fast mobile application with beautiful and consistent user interfaces.


We utilized MySQL, a popular relational database management system, to store and manage our project's data.



Receive hidden offers from each user for your products and select the best offer that suits you


Enjoy the benefits of a dedicated marketplace for motorcycles and reach a targeted audience of buyers.

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